Tuesday 29 October 2013

Decorated Box (using a tomato paste tube)

Little brown box from Hobby craft...

Tomato paste tube

Ta Dah: The finished article and decorated box

Instructions to make one:

What you'll need:
  • Papier mache box with 'frame aperture lid' like these:
  • Paint to decorate it - I used anything acrylic or oil based as it goes on quicker
  • Paint brush
  • Measuring tape / ruler
  • Tomato paste tube (one will be plenty for this)
  • Machine Embroidery thread
  • Sewing machine & metallic needle
  • Scissors (ones you don't mind blunting)
  • Hi Tack Craft Glue
  • Embossing tool, like this (or you could use a ball point pen that has no ink in it):

What to do:

1)  IMPORTANT: For this step use scissors you don't mind blunting AND be careful as the edges will be sharp! Cut both ends off your tomato paste tube and slice open so you have one sheet.  Wash off the paste and dry.

2) As you can see from my finished box picture (above) I inlaid 4 squares of embossed tube that were sown together in the middle, I will take you through the steps for what I did, you don't have to follow these you can free style as you like!  So measure the aperture of the box lid and work out what size you want you 4 pieces to be then cut them out from the tomato paste tube (using the blunt scissors minding you don't cut yourself!).

3) Next use the embossing tool to draw wavy lines or a pattern of your choice on your pre cut squares.  If you want the pattern to be raised upwards on your finished piece then draw on the coloured side of the tube (ie where the label is), if you want is to be depressed when you look at it drawn on the shiny copper side.  You may want to have a practise on some spare tube before you launch into your finished piece.

4) Now set up your sewing machine.  Use a metallic thread needle.  Set it up to do wide but narrow in length zig zag.  Practise on a piece of cloth so you are happy with the desired effect.  I would suggest having the same thread on the top as is on the bobbin below.  You want to line your first 2 squares next to each other with no overlap.  Be warned the machine bangs and clatters around when sewing through the paste tube but it will work... be brave and sew them together, if there's gaps between your stitches then go back over what you have done.  Don't stall the machine too much otherwise you may end up with a big hole in  the tube (its not as forgiving as fabric).  Next line up the other two and repeat.  Then line the two next to each other and sew them together so you have the four.

5) I recommend that you paint your box and lid next.

6) Then place the embossed sewn tube into the aperture, securing with the high tack glue, leave to dry and Bob's your uncle, a completed decorated box!

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